My dream job

Like most children, i had the dream to become football player, but i failed. I guess i didnt take it too seriously when i had the chance, i started as a right back in Santiago Morning when i was 10, then i left it because i got fatter and i had to focus on school. I never tried to play serious football until after Covid-19 i started to go to the gym and get serious about nutrition, but i was already too old for have even a small chance to play professionaly. Even if i never was a a super talented player, i was a effortful player and always gave the 110% of me and although its late for me to play professionally, i train for run faster, move quickly and improve my stamina. I have the feeling i could at least become pro in the second division, where my old team still belong. About the salary it would be more the the average in the country playing in the second division, not more then a doctor, but enought for me. Also the football player's career its short, but also it wouldnt matter for me, after retirement i would study what i do now and i would enjoyed my dream job.Cambiaría Cristiano Ronaldo sus 5 Champions por un Mundial con Portugal?  Esta es su respuesta


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